Member-only story
So It Begins
New opportunities for growth
Well, today’s the day. It’s a new adventure, and, just like the buds that spring from their slumbering stems, I have to soak up as much “new company wisdom” as I can.
I moved from Dell Technologies to VAST Data, from old and monolithic to energetic and flexible. I changed based on an ideological impasse that I alluded to in my last post. It’s less about the technology and more about the people. When your leadership makes friends with other oligarchs, it’s hardly noticeable. However, when they then choose to emulate their styles, when they choose silence over compassion, politics over their people? That becomes a different matter.
VAST Data has its challenges and perspectives on how life should be lived. I’m sure, as time permits, I’ll run into similar ideological speed bumps. That being said, there’s a certain flexibility in being able to steer around those when you’re not a market Titanic and a bit more freedom to “be” in a company with less than one thousand people. Measured risk, measured reward, measured moments. That’s what I’ve signed up for.
I’m not moving far away from what I was working on but putting a slightly different spin on things. Part of my remit is becoming technically excellent at our product and fundamental technologies. The other part is conveyance: the “hows,” “whats,” and…