Member-only story
The Stairs
A journey of thousands of steps
Welcome to an otherwise unremarkable Monday morning in February. I say this having just completed a few hours of recording and conversation with one of the incredible people I am allowed to work with. Pouring over 332 pictures captured over the last two days, I find the usual amount of discards and blurry shots indicative of my failure to slow down and contemplate correctly. That being said, there are many decent ones amongst the bunch, so onward!
It’s cool here in Barcelona and not at all rising to the levels of the typical summer blast of 33+ degrees Celsius. On the eastern side of Spain, you get beautiful Mediterranean air and a gentle breeze tossing your hair about. It’s delightful for someone like me who dislikes oppressive heat and humidity and would rather walk around than be constrained to the air-conditioned environment you can find. It’s also delightful for being an “off-season” so that the press of tourists is a dull roar versus a global flood.
Emma and I have walked 34km (21 miles) across the last two days, and more will be done today. Shoes are getting worn out, and blisters are forming, but everything is smiling from the efforts and energy being expended. After work obligations, we’ll spend this afternoon in some last-minute wonderment and then off to Ireland tomorrow morning to finish the week before I…